Please see below The Kent Autistic Trust and Family Support short films
Interview with CEO of KAT

Interview with CEO of KAT

Interview with Medway Hospital LD Nurses

KAT - Woman and Autism

KAT Family Support Appeal (2017)
Family Support Appeal
KAT Family Support is a service helping families across Kent and Medway to gain more knowledge of autism and find some support to help them.
Family Support offer support groups, social skills groups for adults, women with autism groups, help with some benefits, educational issues and signposting.
In this film, people who have been supported through Family Support share their stories and why they feel it is so important that funding is found to enable the service to continue.

KAT - Woman and Autism
Woman's Support Group
You can view our Family Support Women’s Group video here...
Family Support’s Women with autism group members share their experiences of being the hidden population. They are brave women who want to share their stories to make people more aware of autism in women.

KAT - Woman and Autism
Interview with LD Team, Medway
Tim did an amazing job with Lisa Jones to produce this interview with Medway Hospital Learning Disability team.