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The Kent Autistic Trust felt it was important to reach out to everyone who continues to support us!!

As we all do our best to keep others safe, The Kent Autistic Trust felt it was important to reach out to everyone who continues to support us. Our teams continue to deliver outstanding care to those who rely on them, working around the clock and going above and beyond the call of duty, to continue to keep those we support safe, happy and settled, ensuring our services can continue.

Our head office team are also working hard behind the scenes keeping everything running smoothly. This is being very well led by our CEO, Head of Care and Senior Management team.

To all of our supporters - individuals, companies and organisations, past and present, and in addition to all of our social media followers. We thank you for your continued support during these difficult times. We are all very grateful.

We are and will continue to keep spirits high and share positivity amongst all of our staff, parents, carers, people and families we support and come through this pandemic stronger together as a community.

Thank you all!!

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