The Kent Autistic Trust staff are working tirelessly to ensure the people we support and staff in the reduced services are settled, safe and well.
Christine Edwards-Daem, CEO said: It has been overwhelmed by the outstanding and dedicated support from the Senior Management team and all support staff at The Trust working round the clock to ensure the safety and welfare of the adults with Autism they support, with staff, going that extra mile to help!! They are admired for their courage, outstanding hard work, support and noble qualities. As the Coronavirus pandemic grows, I felt it important as CEO of The Kent Autistic Trust to reach out to our followers and let you all know, that we are doing our upmost to care for the people we support and all of our staff, during these difficult times.
Virtual meetings and communications are set up almost daily with all managers and the senior management team so that we respond to all the challenges as effectively as possible. All of our planned social and face to face events will be postponed and unfortunately things are going to be really different going forward. We will be relying on our staff’s ability and moral compass to make good care and best interest decisions supported by Management.
It is going to be a difficult time for us all and at some point, we are going to have minimal staff, so we are going to have to do things differently, activities will be reduced, and our focus will be on keeping those we support as happy and as comfortable as possible within their homes. We have had fantastic support from parents and families who have been encouraging and understanding of the difficult decisions we need to take especially reducing services in response to the availability of staff.
Joan Hagan, Head of Care and het teams are working really hard behind the scenes and in services, and will be supporting and informing our staff and those we support daily. The responsive approach has ensured that staff feel confident we can battle through the next phase which will become more challenging every day.
We are lucky to have passionate and dedicated staff who are the backbone of our Charity; so I know that even though things will be done very differently they will do their job as good as they can within the limitations this new and emergency situation is presenting itself.
We are all in this together and together will get through this unprecedented challenge’.
Staff who previously worked for us and are free to work a short term contract, please get in touch…
School/nursery/hospitality and retail staff who are not in work but have a passion for care and especially if you have already have a DBS please contact us for a short term contract please get in touch as soon as possible….
Email us on: abaker@kentautistic.com
Also: make an email appeal to your councillor and MP’s for facemasks for people in the care sector