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Carlton's question to Boris Johnson....what an inspiration to us all.

Carlton is one of our residents, at Homersham Supported Living service in Canterbury. He has been asking support workers many questions over the past few weeks around Boris Johnson’s actions and future plans, questions that are difficult for them to answer.

Helen Jessup, Registered Manager at Homersham, suggested he ask Boris directly!! So they helped Carlton access the government website and he submitted the following:

‘Boris, Autistic people are struggling and I would like to know how long it will be before we can have physical contact with our family and friends? And also, can you please tell me what the progress is with a vaccine?'

This is so empowering!! Well done Carlton.

If he doesn’t get chosen within 3 days, he is able to resubmit or ask another question, let’s all hope he gets a response!! 😊

What an inspiration to us all.

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