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Fantastic morning had by staff and those we support, tree decorating at the Pentagon Centre

A fantastic morning had by staff and some of the adults we support at The Pentagon Centre in Chatham a few weeks ago. We were kindly invited to decorate one of the 10 charity Christmas trees at the shopping centre, aiming to help provide awareness of our charity and the services we provide.

Rebecca Convey, our Lock Street Day Centre Manager went along to join in with the fun, along side Carol Butcher, our art coordinator for the Trust.

Rebecca said 'We could pick whichever one we wanted. So I picked the biggest one, right by Santa’s chair!! We were all so very excited! and really enjoyed planning what decorations we were going to make for the tree. All helped along by our Art Coordinator Carol Butcher'

Serita Boxall - Grants & Appeals Officer said 'The Pentagon Centre have been so supportive this last year, we were chosen as their Charity of the Year where they raised a huge amount of funding for us, and so this was not only just another way of supporting us again, by creating awareness, it was also a real fun morning for the people we support'.

Thanks to you all at The Pentagon Centre for all you have done for us!!

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