A big thank you to all those who have already signed up for the 250 / 400 Challenge. We really are so very grateful for your efforts to help us raise funds for our free Family Support Service!
We need 400 people to raise £250 – it’s that simple!

Are you an individual, group, team, school or organisation? Join the challenge. You will receive a certificate, medal and your name will be listed on our website as a contributor to funds raise for 21 / 22.
Register your interest to sboxall@kentautistic.com
For a helping hand with some fundraising ideas, just visit https://www.kentautistictrust.org/fundraise-for-us.
Thank you for your support!
#TheKentAutisticTrust #KAT #autism #MakeADifference #TogetherWeCanDoThis #inthistogether #supportworker #support #autismlife #healthcareheroes #charity #charities #lottery #charitablegiving #charityexcellence #charityfundraising #donate #autismawareness #donatetoday #donatenow #donationsneeded #thankyou