Megan CIC aim to provide opportunities for people experiencing mental health issues to share their views and experiences about any services they have accessed. They offer peer support through group attendance and raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing to combat stigma and discrimination.
Their Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley User Voice Project, are asking for feedback and aim to try and encourage as much positive feedback as negative. All feedback shared is submitted to Engaging Kent who collate all comments from across Kent and report this to the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) who fund the health services.
They are looking for feedback about local mental health services (Primary, Secondary and Voluntary sector organisations). Feedback can be a comment, compliment or a concern and all feedback shared is anonymously and kept confidentiality.
It is important that feedback is gathered regarding these services to highlight the things that are working, but also to identify where services can be improved. Changes do not happen overnight, it takes time, but without your feedback, services will not change.
If you or anyone you know would like to share their experience, whether this be positive or negative, then they would like to hear from you.
Please email: and they will arrange to make contact with you directly.