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Please remember us when shopping online

We're all in this together and The Kent Autistic Trust need your support now more than ever. If you are self-isolating, social distancing or working from home, and thinking of making any online purchases for games or other items to keep yourself, family or children active. Please remember us.

The Kent Autistic Trust are registered on Amazon Smile. Whenever you shop on Amazon from now on, if you would like to support us: Please visit – rather than

Amazon will donate 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) of eligible purchases to our charity. Click on the link above. For step by step guide, just click on the links below; Step by Step Guide - Amazon Smile: Step by Step Guide - How to use Amazon Smile on your mobile:

We are also registered with Everyclick and Easyfundraising, who also give money to our charity every time you search the internet using your search engine. All you need to do is register with their site and choose Kent Autistic Trust as your charity. You can then use the site to shop online with Amazon, Ebay, John Lewis, Marks and Spencer and many more, and part of the money you spend will be donated to The Kent Autistic Trust.

Click on the links below and you can start giving whenever you shop online: Thank you all for your continued support!!

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