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Some fantastic photography from the people we support....

Thinking of new and inspiring activities every day, KAT decided to hold a photography competition for all of the people we support across our services.

The categories were Transport, Lockdown, Found on a walk, Food, Favourite thing, Out of Place, Nature, Free Choice and This is March.

We had 30 brilliant photos submitted and each one was fantastic, showing some very unique perspectives of Kent and Medway during lockdown.

The photographs were judged by Lavina Cowland and Joan Hagan, our Head of Care. Joan said ‘The images were all really good, and the final choices took some long discussion between Lavina and myself, we finally decided on our overall winners for each category and from those one final winner. These were judged without knowing who had taken them!!

The overall winner was one of the people we support at our Wayfield Road Supported Living, with a wonderful sky photo, that he was very proud to have taken. Well done our winner, all category winners and all who entered.

Some fantastic photography….

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