Well done to Emma G and Mary C, who both won £25 in last week’s lottery draw and Rod M and Louise S for winning 5 free entries into next week’s draw.
Joining our weekly lottery, gives you the chance to win £25,000 and other smaller prizes, for as little as £1 per week!!
How will you make a difference by playing the Lottery?
The weekly lottery helps us raise funds for our family support service, who reach out to 5,000 people on the spectrum and their families each year. In order to keep answering the phones and be a lifeline to so many families and the autistic community, Family Support have to raise £117,000 each year, this enables us to continue to provide this vital free service.
To join our weekly lottery for your chance to win £25,000!! Visit https://unity.charitypayments.co.uk/play?charity=1091
You can also find further information and FAQ’s. Visit https://www.kentautistictrust.org/lottery-faq-s
Thank you for your support!
